
January 14, 2022

Fighting for Public Enjoyment, Wildlife at Point Reyes National Seashore

Advocates for the West recently filed a lawsuit challenging the controversial National Park Service management plan for expanding private agriculture at California’s Point Reyes National Seashore, one of a handful of national parks that permits cattle grazing.  The Park Service plan paves the way for 20-year leases for beef and dairy ranchers in the park, enshrining and expanding commercial…

December 20, 2021

Fighting for Healthy Forests, Imperiled Native Bull Trout in Idaho

Advocates for the West recently filed a lawsuit on behalf of Idaho Conservation League (ICL) against the U.S. Forest Service for failing to comply with environmental laws when it approved the 20-year Sage Hen Integrated Forest Restoration Project. The project includes extensive road construction, logging, thinning, and prescribed fire, plus some watershed restoration activities, on 68,000-acres…

October 7, 2021

Defending Idaho’s Salmon-Clearwater Divide from Massive Logging Projects

Advocates for the West recently filed the opening brief in our case for Friends of the Clearwater against the U.S. Forest Service to protect Idaho’s Salmon-Clearwater Divide from massive clearcuts and other destructive logging in biodiverse old growth forest and sensitive watersheds. Our case challenges two neighboring logging projects, “Hungry Ridge” and “End of the World,” which when…

September 15, 2021

Nez Perce Tribe Resolves Case Alleging Water Quality Violations on Hells Canyon Reach of the Snake River

The Nez Perce Tribe recently reached a settlement agreement with the state of Oregon resolving a case that Advocates for the West filed—along with the Tribe’s Office of Legal Counsel—challenging the state of Oregon’s Clean Water Act section 401 water quality certification for the relicensing of the Hells Canyon Complex. The Hells Canyon Complex, owned and operated by…

September 7, 2021

VICTORY! Judge orders immediate actions to save Willamette River Chinook salmon and winter steelhead.

Advocates for the West won a strong victory for threatened Upper Willamette River wild spring Chinook salmon and winter steelhead last week when U.S. District Judge Marco Hernandez issued a final opinion and order directing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to immediately undertake new measures at dams in Oregon’s Willamette River basin. The injunction requires the Corps to…

June 2021 photo of bull trout stream in the Upper Squaw Creek watershed
August 30, 2021

New Action Launched to Protect Idaho Bull Trout From Misguided “Restoration”

Advocates for the West notified the U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that they are in violation of the Endangered Species Act by approving the “Sage Hen Integrated Restoration Project” in Idaho’s West Mountains without protecting threatened bull trout. The Sage Hen Project authorizes constructing over 80 miles of roads and commercially harvesting timber on 18,000 acres over the next…

August 27, 2021


Advocates for the West secured a victory this week in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to protect threatened Idaho salmon, steelhead, and bull trout from irrigation water diversions in Idaho’s Sawtooth Valley. The Ninth Circuit decision, issued on August 25, upholds our lower court win that requires the U.S. Forest Service to consult with experts and protect fish. We sued…

July 19, 2021

Victory for Oregon Salmon and Steelhead!

Advocates for the West is celebrating a sound victory for threatened Upper Willamette River wild spring Chinook salmon and winter steelhead. On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Marco Hernandez of Oregon federal court outlined the actions that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) must immediately take to protect these imperiled species from extinction. In a strongly worded draft order,…

June 29, 2021

New Suit Filed to Halt Grazing on Sonoran Desert National Monument

Advocates for the West filed suit against the Arizona Bureau of Land Management (Bureau) for failing to protect the native plants, wildlife, and cultural resources found within the Sonoran Desert National Monument from the devastating impacts of livestock grazing.

June 11, 2021

Victory! Court Halts Further Oil and Gas Drilling in Critical Sage-Grouse Habitat

Advocates for the West is celebrating another sweeping win to protect the imperiled sage-grouse from oil and gas drilling approved by the Trump Administration. Our Staff Attorney Sarah Stellberg masterfully handled this case on behalf of clients Center for Biological Diversity and Western Watersheds Project, along with Executive Director Laird Lucas. On Wednesday, U.S. Magistrate Judge Ronald E. Bush suspended new drilling and…