LAND in the WEST

In the West, there is an unmistakable feeling of openness. That call of the wild. That sense that this belongs to all of us. As, in truth, it does. With over 350 million acres of public lands in the West, this land is our land.

The American West is home to some of the most biologically diverse and beautiful regions in the world. From the Northern Rockies, to the Sierras and Cascades, to the vast Sagebrush Sea, the singular nature of each place in the West’s public lands unfolds a boundless variety of wonder.

The inherent possibility in the wild nature of the West is limitless – we consider it our sacred trust to ensure public lands are here to benefit many generations to come.

Canyon of the Ancients Grazing

Case: Protest of the Proposed Decision to Issue Ten-Year Term Grazing Permits for Yellow Jacket and Flodine Park allotments in Canyon of the Ancients National Monument

September 15, 2015 — the BLM published a letter announcing that after “considering the protests received on this grazing decision the BLM has determined that further analysis is warranted” before issuing 10-year term grazing permits for the Flodine Park and Yellow Jacket Allotments in Canyon of the Ancients National Monument. Instead, an Environmental Assessment regarding…

Protecting Selway Wild and Scenic Values

Case: Idaho Rivers United & Morgan and Olga Wright v. District Ranger Joe Hudson & United States Forest Service

On March 28, 2016 — The Court issued a decision in our favor. The judge upheld Wild and Scenic River values when he declared that the U.S. Forest Service ignored the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act by approving access to a state logging sale in the Selway River canyon. August 17, 2015 — Advocates for…

Treasure Valley Air Pollution

Case: Advocates For the West and Idaho Conservation League Petition to Address Air Quality Problems

February 6, 2015 — Advocates for the West and the Idaho Conservation League petitioned EPA to take urgent action to address growing air quality problems in Idaho’s Treasure Valley. It’s no surprise to locals that air quality can be less than pristine in the Treasure Valley, particularly during winter weather inversions. However, we were surprised to learn that…

Gunnison sage-grouse more than “threatened”

Case: Intent to Sue Over Violations of Section 4 of the Endangered Species Act

September 27, 2018 — A federal court decision preserves the listing status for Gunnison sage-grouse as a threatened species, with the critical habitat the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service designated for it intact. Fewer than 3,000 of this unique sage-grouse species remain, clustered around Colorado’s Gunnison Basin. Advocates for the West represented WildEarth Guardians and…

Albeni Falls Dam

Case: Idaho Conservation League v. Bonneville Power Administration

June 26, 2016 — The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion denying our Petition for Review.  We filed the Petition on behalf of the Idaho Conservation League, challenging the Bonneville Power Administration’s decision to adopt new winter operations at the Albeni Falls Dam in North Idaho.  Under the new operations, Lake Pend Oreille…

Cave Lake Sage-Grouse Habitat Protection

Case: Western Watersheds Project v. Amy Luenders, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Department of Interior

June 14, 2013 — In a case led by Senior Attorney Todd Tucci, Advocates for the West filed a complaint on behalf of Western Watersheds Project to protect 145,000 acres of public lands in the Ely district of Nevada, which contains key sage-grouse habitat. This is a follow-up case to our broader, ongoing lawsuit challenging 16 BLM Resource Management…

Snowmobile Use in Kapka Butte Area and Proposed Sno-Park

Case: Wild Wilderness, Winter Wildlands Alliance, and Bend Backcountry Alliance v. John Allen, U.S. Forest Service

August 19, 2015 — Advocates for the West filed a reply brief. The brief states that the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) attempted to refute our client’s claims obscuring the real issues, relying on our client’s “concessions,” and offering post hoc explanations for its decision rather than even attempting to defend the actual explanations found in…

Highway 12 Mega-Loads

Case: Idaho Rivers United v. U.S. Forest Service

February 7, 2013 — Judge Winmill handed down final judgement in favor of Idaho Rivers United and Advocates for the West, ruling that the Forest Service does has the authority to intervene and protect the Wild and Scenic river corridor and that they failed to do so under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968….

Dynamis Garbage Gasifier

Case: Idaho Conservation League v. Board of Ada County Commissioners

February 15, 2013 — Dynamis and Ada County Commissioners announced that they would be terminating their contract agreement and Dynamis would walk away from the lease agreement without pursuing legal action. Accordingly, we dismissed our petition for judicial review. November 19, 2012 — Advocates for the West filed a petition for judicial review challenging the…

BLM Secret Permit Transfer

Case: Western Watersheds Project v. Arnold L. Pike, Bureau of Land Management, and the Department of the Interior

Advocates for the West filed a federal lawsuit against the Bureau of Land Management challenging BLM secret grazing permit transfer to one of the largest livestock corporations in the U.S., J.R. Simplot Livestock Co (“Simplot”). In the midst of separate litigation over the BLM’s grazing permits on the Battle Creek allotment, BLM secretly transferred two of these…