
February 13, 2017

The Case for Wolves: Declaration Excerpts from our Wildlife Services Suit

Brett Haverstick Declaration Excerpt “I believe the gray wolf epitomizes the spirit and character of wilderness. Thinking that wolves may be on the landscape has the unique ability to heighten an individual’s senses, expand one’s imagination and enhance the overall experience of a person in backcountry. The scientific literature is clear that wolves also enhance…

Lochsa Highway Idaho Environmental Law conservation
February 8, 2017

Going from Point A to Point A in Seven Years

By Marty Trillhaase Originally published Feb 2, 2017 in the Lewiston Tribune (Photo of U.S. Highway 12 along the Clearwater-Lochsa Wild and Scenic corridor by Roger Inghram) Don’t make a federal case out of everything. Remember that sentiment? You used to hear it a lot. Until everything wound up in a federal courtroom. Just like the…

February 1, 2017

Pedaling to the Pacific

By Annika Gordon February 1, 2017 In the spring of my senior year of high school, when all of my friends were planning where to attend college, I was planning a bike tour down the Pacific Coast. I didn’t decide to do a gap year because I thought I was “too cool for school;” I…

January 27, 2017

Grassroots Routs Goliath

By Linwood Laughy & Borg Hendrickson January 27, 2017 In spring of 2010, fifteen Upper Clearwater Valley friends gathered in concern for their safety, their homes and businesses, and the beautiful, wild place they love —the Lochsa-Clearwater Wild & Scenic River corridor. With full support of Idaho’s state government, a Canadian subsidiary of ExxonMobil, Imperial…

January 24, 2017

Of Orcas and Dams

By Debra Ellers of Port Townsend, WA January 24, 2017 On a brisk November evening I dressed like an orca on a sidewalk in Walla Walla. What’s up? The connection between declining salmon, declining orcas, and the four Lower Snake River dams brought me there. The Southern Residents orcas, who roam the Northwest’s coastal waters,…

January 17, 2017

Beyond the Whirligig…

By Pat Ford January 17, 2017 The part of me that knows I must think about conservation and our new president has perhaps finally outgrown the part that wants to go back to bed. I think our new president is a willful and erratic man. This makes strategizing across the spectrum of conservation issues difficult,…