Separate, but still together
Dear Advocates for the West friends and colleagues, During these unprecedented times, our thoughts and prayers are with you and our global community. Advocates for the West is well prepared to weather the storm. But we are only as strong as our staff, supporters, and clients. Thus, we will continue doing everything we can to support and protect each other and our communities. As our…
VICTORY! Court Settlement Restricts Idaho Wolf Killing, Bans Use of M-44 Cyanide Bombs
In a key victory for Idaho wildlife, Advocates for the West and our clients filed a settlement agreement in Idaho federal court yesterday that sets strict limits preventing federal agency USDA Wildlife Services from killing wolves in Idaho wilderness areas and other special places, bans the use of snares targeting wolves, and halts the use of M-44…
VICTORY! Judge Voids Nearly 1 Million Acres of Lease Sales in Sage-Grouse Habitat; Restores Public Involvement in Leasing
Advocates for the West won a significant victory yesterday when a federal judge overturned a Trump administration policy which curtailed public participation in oil and gas leasing decisions. The court also granted Advocates for the West‘s request to void lease sales covering nearly 1 million acres of public lands — roughly a quarter of all acres leased by the…
2019 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report
Halting Trump Administration Fracking Leases in Arizona
Advocates for the West reached an agreement with the Trump administration today suspending 4,200 acres of oil and gas leases on public land in Arizona’s Little Colorado River Valley as part of a joint motion filed in federal court. The federal government’s suspension of the leases prohibits any oil and gas activity on the leases until federal agencies complete…
Victory in the 9th Circuit!
NINTH CIRCUIT COURT: EPA BROKE THE LAW, MUST PLAN TO REDUCE COLUMBIA AND SNAKE RIVER TEMPERATURES Friday, December 20 — Today, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in our favor and ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to protect Columbia basin salmon and steelhead from dangerously warm river temperatures. Warm water, caused by large, shallow reservoirs…
Victory in Clean Water Act Suit Against Midas Gold on Behalf of Nez Perce Tribe
On Monday, December 16, Advocates for the West and the Nez Perce Tribe (Tribe) won a decisive victory against Canadian mining company Midas Gold Corp. We argued in Idaho federal court against Midas Gold’s motion to dismiss or stay our Clean Water Act lawsuit, which we brought with co-counsel from the Nez Perce Tribe Office of Legal Counsel. US District Court…
2019 Fall/Winter Case Notes
2019 has been Advocates for the West’s busiest year on record! Find out what we’ve been working on all year in our Fall/Winter edition of Case Notes. READ HERE
2019 Spring/Summer Case Notes
Get the latest on what Advocates for the West is doing to protect and defend the West’s public lands, water and wildlife. READ HERE
2018 Annual Report
Read here.