When an environmental plight calls for lean and hard-hitting legal muscle, conservation groups, Native American Tribes, and concerned citizens call on us. Advocates for the West boosts the strength of our partners by providing free legal representation in federal court—advancing the mission of every client by putting the power of law and science on the side of the West.

Since our founding in 2003, Advocates for the West has provided free legal support to our partners with an 85% record of success.

Smart and efficient, our attorneys work with partners to develop strategic cases aimed at enforcing the nation’s bedrock environmental laws. We handle an extensive caseload with an impressive win record.

We work wonders to perpetuate natural wonders. We win for the West.

Idaho Wildlife Services Environmental Assessment

Case: Western Watersheds Project, WildEarth Guardians, Center for Biological Diversity, and Predator Defense v. USDA APHIS Wildlife Services

August 31, 2018 – Advocates for the West filed our remedies brief in this case, seeking interim injunctive relief and asking the Court to order Wildlife Services to prepare a legally adequate Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision within 3 years of the remedies order. June 22, 2018 – Advocates for the West won a…

Gold Mining on Conglomerate Mesa

Case: Petition Filed against Bureau of Land Management

June 15, 2018 – Advocates for the West challenged the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) approval of the Perdito Project – a gold mine exploration project that would drill mining holes on Conglomerate Mesa, which is located on California Desert Conservation Lands. Conglomerate Mesa is a spectacularly wild and remote area of the Inyo Mountains in…

Devil’s Corral Water Rights

Case: In the Matter of Application for Permit

January 23, 2020 — Facing mounting pressure in our water right protest, the development company Devil’s Corral backed down and asked to withdraw its old 1980s water right application. On January 23, 2020, the Idaho Department of Water Resources dismissed the application, ending Devil’s Corral’s attempts to circumvent Idaho water law and avoid public involvement. Devils…

ITD Motor Waste Wells

Case: Idaho Conservation League v. Brian Ness, Jerry Whitehead, R. James Coleman, Janice Vasser, Dwight Horsch, and Lee Gagner

June 6, 2018 — In response to our Safe Drinking Water Act lawsuit, the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) recently closed all 70 motor vehicle waste disposal wells at its vehicle and maintenance buildings around the state. Under Safe Drinking Water Act regulations, all motor vehicle waste disposal wells in Idaho were supposed to be closed…

Triumph Mine Arsenic Pollution

Case: Idaho Conservation League v. David Groeschl, and John Tippets

November 27, 2018— After reaching a settlement agreement with the agencies in October, the Court reviewed and approved our settlement. Under the agreement, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and Idaho Department of Lands have applied to EPA for a Clean Water Act permit and must regularly monitor ground and surface water quality at the…

Mogollon Rim Cattle Grazing

Case: Neighbors of the Mogollon Rim, Inc. v. U.S. Forest Service

October 11, 2018 — Advocates for the West just reached an agreement with the Forest Service to keep the beautiful forested area below the Mogollon Rim in the Tonto National Forest free from livestock grazing for the foreseeable future. The area will remain cattle-free while the agency assesses whether grazing is compatible with the landscape and how it may affect…

Hells Canyon Spalding’s Catchfly

Case: Greater Hells Canyon Council v. Kris Stein and United States Forest Service

January 10, 2018 — Advocates for the West partnered with Jennifer R. Schwartz to file suit against the U.S. Forest Service for failing to protect a unique and biologically diverse stretch of Oregon canyon country between the Imnaha and Snake Rivers from livestock grazing impacts. The Forest Service completed its Lower Imnaha Range Analysis (LIRA) —…

Idaho Water Quality: Hells Canyon Pollution

Case: Petition to Revise the 2004 Snake River-Hells Canyon TMDL Under the Clean Water Act

November 13, 2017 — Advocates for the West filed suit against EPA administrator Scott Pruitt for failing to address nutrient pollution in Hells Canyon. March 9, 2015 — Advocates for the West filed a Petition on behalf of Idaho Conservation League asking EPA to revise the Hells Canyon Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)–a pollution budget intended to cleanup…

South Beaverhead Bighorn Sheep

Case: Western Watersheds Project and WildEarth Guardians v. U.S. Forest Service

Nov 20, 2017 — The Honorable Judge Dale granted our motion for Preliminary Injunction to stop fall/winter grazing of domestic sheep on the Snakey Canyon and Kelly Canyon allotments. You can read Judge Dale’s Memorandum Decision and Order below. November 15, 2017 — Advocates for the West attended court to stop controversial Sheep Station research that…

Sheeprocks Sage-Grouse Appeal

Case: Notice of Appeal-Western Watersheds Project, Center for Biological Diversity, and American Bird Conservancy v. Bureau of Land Management

October 31, 2017 — Advocates for the West filed an administrative appeal and petition for stay of BLM’s decision to lease priority sage-grouse habitat in central Utah for oil and gas development. The auctioned parcels are home to the isolated and imperiled Sheeprocks population of greater sage-grouse. The Sheeprocks population experienced a nearly 40 percent decrease over…