“Wolf Haters” and a letter to the US Forest Service

30th of Dec 2013

As most of us are painfully aware, wolf hunting in Idaho is an increasingly worrisome concern to those of us who understand the intrinsic value of maintaining a healthy population of wolves in the Rocky Mountain wilderness. Idaho in particular has received some glaringly bad press for its treatment of this issue, as highlighted in this recent New York Times opinion piece, titled “Wolf Haters”.

Fortunately, Advocates for the West and our client, Idaho Conservation League, are doing something about it. Check out the December 19th letter Senior Attorney Todd Tucci sent to the US Forest Service (linked below) challenging their recent approval of Idaho Fish and Game’s hire of a professional hunter/trapper whose job it is to track and kill two wolf packs in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. Should the Forest Service refuse to rescind their approval of this illegal act, we will file suit.

Stay tuned – we’ll have more details on this potential case soon!

12-2013 letter to USFS