3-29-23 Voices for the West: The Anatomy of a Win
Strong court decisions aren’t the only way we win for the West. In this special edition of Voices for the West, we take trip down memory lane to discuss the different ways we have achieved lasting protections for bighorn sheep over our 20-year history — from court decisions, to settlements, to using legal action to…
2-22-23 Voices for the West: Enlightened by Dark Sky
The Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve is a treasured resource for local residents and for all Idahoans and visitors from across the world that come to experience the wonder of the starry night sky. We’re joined by Betsy Mizell, Central Idaho Director for the Idaho Conservation League (ICL); Carol Cole, President of the Idaho Dark…
1-25-23 Voices for the West: Writing on Threatened Western Landscapes
We’re joined by award-winning author Claire Boyles and Ryan Shannon, Senior Attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity to discuss the current condition of the Gunnison sage-grouse and the bird’s appearance in Claire’s book Site Fidelity, as well as fiction as a means for drawing attention to pressing environmental issues. View the full presentation here.
11-30-22 Voices for the West — Winter Travel Planning: Defending Wildlife and Quiet Recreation
We’re joined by Hilary Eisen, Policy Director at Winter Wildlands Alliance, and Marla Fox, Staff Attorney at WildEarth Guardians, along with Advocates for the West Senior Attorney Laurie Rule. We discuss the evolution of winter recreation on our western National Forests, motorized impacts to wildlife and natural resources, and the need to conserve land and…
10-26-22 Voices for the West: Public Lands Grazing and Its Climate Implications
We’re joined by Marc Liverman, co-author of the paper “Livestock Use on Public Lands in the Western USA Exacerbates Climate Change: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation,” along with Advocates for the West Senior Attorney Todd Tucci and Staff Attorney Andrew Missel. The panel examines the nexus between public lands grazing and a changing…
9-28-2022 Voices for the West — Crucial Connections: Role of the Greater Hells Canyon Region in a Changing West
We’re joined by David Mildrexler of Eastern Oregon Legacy Lands, Angela Sondenaa of the Nez Perce Tribe, Rob Klavins from Oregon Wild, Jared Kennedy of Greater Hells Canyon Council, and Bryan Hurlbutt from Advocates for the West. The panel discusses how new opportunities to explore this landscape can bring new voices into the effort to protect…
5-25-2022 Voices for the West – The Gila and Beyond: Wilderness Designation at 100 Years
We’re joined by Elizabeth Hightower Allen, Editor of the anthology “First & Wildest: The Gila Wilderness at 100,” Madeleine Carey, WildEarth Guardians’ Southwest Conservation Manager, and Advocates for the West Senior Attorney Todd Tucci to discuss America’s first—and the world’s first—designated wilderness, the Greater Gila bioregion, and large landscape protections elsewhere in the West. View the full presentation here.
4-27-2022 Voices for the West – The “Lands Between”: Safeguarding a Sacred Cultural Landscape
We’re joined by Theresa Pasqual, Director of Acoma Pueblo’s Historic Preservation Office, and Kenny Wintch, a Preservation Archaeologist working for Friends of Cedar Mesa, along with Advocates for the West Staff Attorney Sarah Stellberg to discuss the area’s archaeological and cultural significance, leasing of this landscape to oil and gas companies (often with minimal input from Tribes and the public), and the need for lasting protections…
3-30-2022 Voices for the West – The Grand Salmon Source to Sea Journey: At the Confluence of Conservation and Adventure
We’re joined by Brooke Hess of The Grand Salmon team of paddlers, Danielle Katz of Rivers for Change, and Stephen Pfeiffer of Idaho Rivers United. Brooke, Danielle, and Stephen discuss The Grand Salmon Source to Sea Journey and its mission to connect, educate, and engage communities through conversations and storytelling in a call to action…
2-23-2022 Voices for the West – Protecting Public Lands and Wildlife at Point Reyes National Seashore
For our February 2022 Voices for the West webinar, we were joined by Laura Cunningham of Western Watersheds Project, Jeff Miller of the Center for Biological Diversity, and Chance Cutrano of Resource Renewal Institute. Laura, Jeff, and Chance discuss the need to protect public lands and wildlife at Point Reyes National Seashore — the only…