Sawtooth — North Sheep 2009
Current Status:
Date Filed:
Jan 26, 2009
Case Title:
Western Watersheds Project v. U.S. Forest Service
Staff attorney(s):
Laurie Rule
To Protect:
Bighorn Sheep
Bull Trout
Greater Sage Grouse
Salmon and steelhead
Case Information:
Opening summary judgment brief filed June 25, 2010 in the Sawtooth–North Sheep case alleges that the Forest Service failed to take a “hard look” at sheep grazing impacts on several Sawtooth National Forest allotments, particularly on sensitive wildlife including fish and sage grouse. Even though we won a prior court order requiring analysis of grazing impacts and better grazing management alternatives, the Forest Service did not heed those requirements, so we have to go back to court again!
A hearing was held on September 29, 2010 and now the parties await a decision from the Court.