Mt. Wilson pinyon-juniper logging

Mt. Wilson pinyon-juniper logging

Current Status:

Case Title:
American Lands Alliance, Western Watersheds Project, et al v. Kolkman

Staff attorney(s):
Todd Tucci


Western Watersheds Project

To Protect:

Old growth


Case Information:

This case challenged BLM’s proposal to clearcut and mulch some 50 square miles of old growth pinyon-juniper forest around the Mt. Wilson area of central Nevada.

BLM claimed that the logging was needed to reduce wildfire risks in the “urban/wildland interface,” even though there is no urban area in this remote part of Nevada — and even though its plans would actually increase fire risks by cutting down live trees and leaving their shredded remains on the ground.

BLM settled the case by withdrawing the proposed action and agreeing to conduct adequate environmental review if it wanted to pursue the action again (which it has not done).