Clearwater — Lolo Creek Timber Sales

Clearwater — Lolo Creek Timber Sales

Current Status:

Date Filed:
Apr 28, 2005

Case Title:
The Ecology Center, et al., v. Abigal Kimbell, et al.


Friends of the Clearwater

To Protect:

Bull Trout
Salmon and steelhead

Date won/settled:
April 28, 2005


Case Information:

We won an injunction in 2004 preventing the Clearwater National Forest from proceeding with two adjoining timber sales in the Lolo Creek watershed of central Idaho, to protect habitat of imperilled fish — including salmon, steelhead, and bull trout.

Even though the Forest Service developed the two sales — called “White/White” and “Brick/Trout” — at the same time and they would affect the same watershed, it refused to analyze their cumulative impacts.  After we won the injunction, the agency agreed to withdraw the sales.

Case Filings