Ada County Fairgrounds Stormwater Pollution
Current Status:
Date Filed:
Dec 2, 2015
Case Title:
Notice of Intent to Sue Ada County Over Violations of Clean Water Act at the Expo Idaho Property
Staff attorney(s):
Bryan Hurlbutt
To Protect:
Boise River
Water Quality
Case Information:
December 2, 2015 — Advocates for the West sent a notice of intent to sue notifying Ada County that it must obtain Clean Water Act permits for stormwater discharges to the Boise River from the Expo Idaho Property.
Once one of the most polluted rivers in Idaho, the Boise River has been substantially cleaned up. The Boise River, which flows through the City of Boise and other communities in Idaho’s Treasure Valley, is now visited by more recreators than any other river in the state. However, pollution problems persist, and the Lower Boise River currently fails to meet state water quality standards for nutrient, sediment, and bacteria pollution.
Ada County, who owns the Expo Idaho Property located adjacent to the Boise River, has no Clean Water Act permits for stormwater pollution. Expo Idaho includes the Ada County Fairgrounds, a baseball stadium (Hawk Stadium), and a horse racing track (Les Bois Park). Rainfall at Expo Idaho picks up sediment, nutrients, bacteria, and other pollutants and flows as untreated stormwater to the Boise River during heavy precipitation events.
Advocates for the West represents Idaho Rivers United in this case, in which we are demanding that Ada County immediately apply for Clean Water Act permits for its stormwater pollution and promptly come into compliance with the terms of such permits.