Pahsimeroi Endangered Fish

Pahsimeroi Endangered Fish

Current Status:

Date Filed:
Oct 16, 2009

Case Title:
Western Watersheds Project v. David Rosenkrance, Bureau of Land Management, William Wood, U.S. Forest Service, Jeffery Foss, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, David Mabe, and NOAA Fisheries

Staff attorney(s):
Laurie Rule


Western Watersheds Project

To Protect:

Bull Trout
Salmon and steelhead

Date won/settled:
October 29, 2010


Case Information:

The Pahsimeroi Valley contains key habitat for three species of Endangered Species Act-listed fish: bull trout, chinook salmon, and steelhead. Yet BLM and Forest Service have not conducted monitoring and habitat improvements as required by their own ESA consultation, which is now very outdated. Their failure to meet fish habitat requirements or to consult over changed conditions violates the ESA, and perpetuates degraded habitat conditions in the Pahsimeroi.