Whiskey South timber sale

Whiskey South timber sale

Current Status:

Date Filed:
Apr 29, 2005

Case Title:
Idaho Conservation League and Friends of the Clearwater v. K. Lynn Bennett, Bureau of Land Management, Abigail Kimball, and United States Forest Service

Staff attorney(s):
Laird J. Lucas
Laurie Rule


Idaho Conservation League

Friends of the Clearwater

To Protect:


Date won/settled:
April 29, 2005


Case Information:

BLM proposed to log over 12 million board feet of old growth forests in the South Fork Clearwater basin of central Idaho, asserting that risks of beetle infestation and wildfire required the logging.  After a week long trial where we called several expert witnesses to show those arguments were not accurate, the federal court enjoined the logging and ordered a more thorough and accurate environmental analysis if the agency wanted to proceed.  See Idaho Conservation League v. Bennett, 2005 WL 1041396 (D. Idaho 2005).