Elko: multiple use decisions

Elko: multiple use decisions

Current Status:

Case Title:
Western Watersheds Project v. Oke

Staff attorney(s):
Todd Tucci


Western Watersheds Project

To Protect:

Greater Sage-Grouse

Date won/settled:
March 1, 2008


Case Information:

BLM’s Elko field office approved three “multiple use decisions” (MUDs) authorizing grazing and fencing on 3 allotments in northern Nevada covering 1.5 million acres.  Despite the fact that this area is key sage grouse habitat and home to other imperiled species, BLM collected virtually no data on current conditions of these sensitive species populations or their habitats.  BLM also did not evaluate the direct, indirect and cumulative impacts of the authorized grazing upon these species.

The district court agreed with us that BLM violated NEPA in not having adequate date or analysis, and ordered the agency to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement to cure those defects.