Atlanta Mine

Atlanta Mine

Current Status:

Case Title:
Snake River Basin Adjudication subcases 63-2446 et seq.

Staff attorney(s):
Laird J. Lucas


Idaho Conservation League

To Protect:

Boise River

Date won/settled:
January 9, 2012


Case Information:

Atlanta, Idaho is a small town that once saw extensive mining operations; but all commercial mining stopped by 1963 when the ore played out.  Recently, a mining company has proposed to develop a large, cyanide heap-leach mine at the Atlanta site, which is located on the Middle Fork of the Boise River — the headwaters for Idaho’s largest metropolitan area.

We represent concerned conservationists in opposing the mining company’s attempt to revive historic water rights for the new mining, even though those water rights were abandoned and forfeited decades ago.  We are before a Special Master in the Snake River Basin Adjudication court, with trial set for fall 2009.