9-29-2021 Voices for the West: Climate Mapping for a More Resilient West
29th of Sep 2021
In September, Advocates for the West rebooted our Social Distancing Hour webinar series as Voices for the West. Our first Voices for the West presentation featured Conservation Lands Foundation’s (CLF) Senior Legal & Policy Director Danielle Murray, who presented a detailed look at their new climate atlas. Advocates for the West’s Senior Attorney Todd Tucci facilitated the presentation to provide context on how this mapping tool can benefit our legal work. Danielle walked us through the open-access, web-based tool created by CLF to help managers, planners, decision makers, and others examine the estimated conservation value of a given location, along with the ecological and environmental variables driving that value. CLF’s hope is that this tool will be useful in guiding the prioritization of landscapes for new protections across the West. View the full presentation here.